Our vision is that every child and young person should go to an inspiring and life changing school, have access to the best teaching, and benefit from all services working in partnership with each other to ensure the life chances of children are improved.

About the School
Cornfields has at its core a drive to improve the life chances of children. We will go above and beyond, set high expectations and improve outcomes by working together with others.
Our driving principles are

That children feel that they belong to a community

That children are prepared for life as citizens in modern Britain

That children learn at pace, ensuring academic understanding

That children are taught how to become resilient so that they can cope with setbacks

That children are supported to be healthy and safe.

We are resolute that the children who attend will benefit from a high quality education.
To achieve excellent learning goals the school also recognises that children are likely to need additional therapeutic and social support in order for them to thrive in their later lives. We intend that children will leave us having developed academically and having developed as people.